We are officially 7 months pregnant:) I say "we" because I am definitely starting to feel Quinn and being pregnant a little more each day. Here are some fun 7 month belly pictures:
our current 2 baby boys, Ace and Eddie.
Our 7 month check up went well this past Monday. I'm measuring right at 28 weeks. I'm still in rotation, and I got to meet another one of the doctors. She was really nice, and I think I am going to be comfortable if we have to have one of Dr. Bradford's partners during delivery. We got our rocking chair for the nursery last weekend. Blinds and curtains for the nursery window should be here and up within the next few weeks!
7 Month Highlights:
- I now snore! At first I didn't know it, but John was quick to tell me. I now know that I officially snore because I've woken myself up a couple of times snoring. It's pretty loud..haha.
- I'm a really messy eater. The belly catches a lot of food. So I'm constantly wondering if I've become a bad eater since being pregnant or did it all just fall to the floor before?
- I'm tired again. 2 trimester was amazing! As of about 2 weeks ago, I get pretty exhausted between 8 and 9 at night. A lot of it is probably because I am now full time back at work too. A lot of nights during the week I catch myself looking at the clock to see if it is too early to go to bed.
- I still don't really have any cravings. My appetite has definitely increased over the past couple of weeks.
- I am already experiencing some "pregnancy brain" moments, and I'm afraid they are just going to get worse over the next couple of months.
- I'm still sleeping well without any extra pillows. I think this is going to change over the next couple of weeks though. I'm already starting to have to swap sides more often at night.
- I've gained between 16-17 pounds, and I'm really curious to see what is going to happen to my stomach over the next 12 weeks! I have moments where I look at my belly and think, "where are you going to go?"
- Stairs at work are still my friend, and I plan on using them as long as I can.
- My Toms are my favorite pair of shoes. I may need to get a second pair before I wear these out.
- I think about leaving things on the ground when I drop them now. I also get stuck in my couch. It is very comfy when I am in it, but it is really difficult to pull myself out of it. John and I are thinking that I may need to get a rope to help me with this:)
That's it for now with us. John starts his fall semester at the Citadel this Wednesday. We are going to tour and interview the day care and the pediatrician's office this week. We have our birthing class all day this Saturday, and then I will be on my way to Macon for our shower over Labor Day weekend. Cannot wait to see everyone!
You look beautiful! If there's anything at all I can do for you as these next couple of months make things a bit harder please let me know!