9 Months! |
As of last Friday, we are now 36 weeks/9 months pregnant! Last Thursday morning I woke up around 5:30am with some back pains that were coming and going. I ended up being sent to Labor and Delivery in the hospital to be monitored for around 4-5 hours that afternoon. Turns out that I was having some contractions, but it wasn't pre-term labor. They labeled it an irritable uterus:) Since this can lead to labor, my doctor put me on bed rest until this Friday to get me to 37 weeks (full-term). I have an appointment tomorrow. As long as everything seems fine, I will be cleared to go back to work on Monday.
Going into the hospital last week made reality set in that she will be here any day now! I think that I have been coasting with work and staying busy to not get too anxious about her arrival, but after sitting at home all week thinking about it, I'm SO ready! I packed the last minute essentials into my luggage before our appointment (just in case), but I didn't get to straighten up around the house before going to the hospital. All I could think about was that my house wasn't ready for guests..lol. When John said that he would run by the house, if we ended up staying the night, to check on the dogs, I actually asked him if he would sweep before coming back! Since we were able to come home, all the cleaning has now been taken care of by my sweet husband. I think somehow my nesting moved over to him. He was awesome with cleaning, organizing, and painting our guest bedroom this past weekend. I went through my lists of last minute details, and we are now ready! It's all up to Miss Quinn now.
9 Month updates:
- She still gets the hiccups every day. The doctor said this is actually a good sign.
- She is a growing girl. Every day I'm amazed at how much tighter my clothes have gotten.
- Early morning and late at night are her most active times of the day. She's pretty sleepy the rest of the day. She sits mostly on the right side of my belly. I can rub my hand over what must be her little booty and back sticking up on that side.
- I love watching her move and stretch across my belly. I'm really trying to take it all in as much as I can. I don't know if I'll be one of those women that miss their belly or not, but I definitely want to enjoy every moment.
- She is lower than she has been. I can rest my arm between my chest and stomach now, and I feel that I am waddling a lot more.
- My good eating habits are out the window. I feel that I have been good most of the pregnancy with trying to eating healthy and not indulge too much in sweets and junk food. However, my sweet cravings are a lot stronger, and I think I'm cheating almost daily with having some type of dessert. Also a big fan of cheddar and sour cream chips. Survival mode has kicked in I think.
- I've made it this far with only 2 meltdowns. I at least knew I was not being rational.
- My favorite shirt is this extra large Shuqualak Lumber Co. shirt that was left at my house. I have no idea who wore the shirt. It is huge but comfy!!
- My favorite times during the day are the long hot showers I take, and my naps. I like to read and nap in the nursery just because it is peaceful to me.
The medicine they have given me has kept the back pains away. It makes me a little sleepy I think...at this point I feel that I've been sleepy my entire third trimester:) Our appointment is tomorrow, and I'm anxious to hear what the doctor says. I'll keep you posted!!